Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Food Photography

Ok by no means am I a professional photographer, but I really have been into taking more photos lately. Now that I have a Canon XTI (I told you I am not a pro) SLR digital camera, I have been reading up and experimenting a ton with it. I love this stuff, and with all the Photoshop work I do, using my own photos is even more fun.

As some of you may know, Security Mutual has a Great cafeteria with one of the best cooking staffs around. Chief Mike Morgan who is a good friend of mine, will ask us to photograph some of his dishes that he creates from time to time. we used to just shot them with the digital point and shot that we have. Well since I have been experimenting and using the new camera , he stopped in and asked me to shoot a Crab Salad with these wonderful Parmesan crackers that he made to submit to a competition. As you can see from above it came out looking decent. By the way all I did in Photoshop to that image was little white balance adjustment in camera RAW and then, just a little blur.

Scott Kelby has been talking about food Photography a lot lately and just thought a would share my photo and some links with all of you. Here are some links to some very talented food photographers: Teri Studios, this site even has some before and after shots that show you how they were done. Michael Ray Food Photography

Mike's Crab Salad was, if you can believe it, even better than it looked! Thanks Mike.


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